Live Today: Programs and Tools I Use

Happy Wednesday!

I thought I'd switch it up a bit for my live show today and instead of focusing on one tool, I'll walk through the main programs, applications and services I use.

If you're like me, you don't like to be stuck with a single tool and be permanently at the mercy of the developer.

When are they going to add this or that feature I really need?

When are they going to fix the bugs?

When are they going to stop updating the interface?

Sound familiar?

I thought so.

I'm not a one-tool guy, so I'll typically jump from one app to another, depending on the needs, the type of content I'm creating and the client I work for.

Today, I'll show you what I use - not ALL of them but most of the big ones. And I'd love to har what apps you use for your work.

Come and join me in less than 3 hours (6 PM BST) and bring your questions!

Here's the link to watch live on YouTube:

video preview

Why learn with me?

I've been coaching more than 100 students one-on-one so far in how to use Descript's new version and I can confidently and clearly walk you through all of these features so you can master editing in Descript.

If you would like to learn more Descript, Camtasia, have one-on-one coaching with me, access to private community, look no further. For a low monthly price, you can have access to all my courses, minicourses, downloadable resources and more! Join the Media Makers Club!

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Cristi Cotovan aka Graphicious

I'm a video editor, content creator, YouTuber, passionate about Camtasia, Descript and lots of other software that helps me create great videos for myself and my clients. Thank you for joining me.

Read more from Cristi Cotovan aka Graphicious

Happy Wednesday! Join me today for our usual live Q&A Come and ask your questions today on our Q&A session. As usual, I'd love to answer your questions, show you workflows, tips, tricks, on Descript and Camtasia, or just come for the hang out! :D Time: 6 PM UK time(10 am PDT / 1 pm ET) If you have any questions I might prepare for in advance, just reply to this email before the session. Then join me on the live show. Here's the link to watch on YouTube: Do you have a friend that might enjoy...

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