Descript Underlord Q&A Today

Happy Wednesday!

Join me today for a live Q&A on Descript.

Come and ask your questions today on our Q&A session.

I know the days of summer are slow, people are on vacation, but hey, gotta have a Q&A session and if you need help, are stuck, have questions or confusions with Descript, join me live today! I'd be happy to answer them.

There might be an announcement of a new feature or two from Descript. I don't know, they're being very cryptic but I think I know what they have up their sleeve. If I hear before then, I'll let you know!

If you have any questions I might prepare for in advance, just reply to this email before 6 PM UK time.

Then join me on the live show.

Here's the link to watch on YouTube:

video preview

Do you have a friend that might enjoy or benefit from these? Forward this newsletter to them.

Our last live workshop is still available

Before it gets turned into an edited and comprehensive podcast editing course, you can still watch it for free here:

video preview

After the course is published (along with more helpful lessons), it will only be available to Media Makers Club members.

New Podcast Episode Published

This week on the Media Makers Club podcast, I've invited Annie Sargent to share what it takes to build a successful travel podcast.

Annie has been consistently publishing one podcast episode every single week for 10 years! She has recently published episode 500 and her podcast is going strong!

Find out what it takes to start and manage a podcast for so long, even without a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo.

video preview

Working on a new Descript Underlord course

Descript updates are a blessing and a curse. A blessing because well, the interface is being improved, changed, updated, new features are added and I have topics for my live shows and videos, right?

Well, it's also a curse, because if you're a course creator, and you created a course on Descript, well, that course is out of date before you can say 'Storyboard', or 'Underlord', or whatever name they come up with next!

It's true, my Descript course is now showing its age (only 2 years old), and while the workflows described in it are still correct, the interface looks quite different now.

So I've already outlined my new version of the entire Descript course and I'll start recording and publishing sessions this summer. As usual, members of the Media Makers Club will have access to the course free.

The lessons will be shorter, more concise, but I still plan on covering absolutely everything there is to know about Descript, to get you from absolute beginner to pro.

Why learn with me?

I've been coaching more than 100 students one-on-one so far in how to use Descript's new version and I can confidently and clearly walk you through all of these features so you can master editing in Descript.

If you would like to learn more Descript, Camtasia, have one-on-one coaching with me, access to private community, look no further. For a low monthly price, you can have access to all my courses, minicourses, downloadable resources and more! Join the Media Makers Club!

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Cristi Cotovan aka Graphicious

I'm a video editor, content creator, YouTuber, passionate about Camtasia, Descript and lots of other software that helps me create great videos for myself and my clients. Thank you for joining me.

Read more from Cristi Cotovan aka Graphicious

Happy Wednesday! Join me today for our usual live Q&A Come and ask your questions today on our Q&A session. As usual, I'd love to answer your questions, show you workflows, tips, tricks, on Descript and Camtasia, or just come for the hang out! :D Time: 6 PM UK time(10 am PDT / 1 pm ET) Today, I aim to show you the latest updates from Descript among other things. There are some new animations, AI speakers and more. If you have any questions I might prepare for in advance, just reply to this...

Happy Wednesday! Join me today for our usual live Q&A Come and ask your questions today on our Q&A session. As usual, I'd love to answer your questions, show you workflows, tips, tricks, on Descript and Camtasia, or just come for the hang out! :D Time: 6 PM UK time(10 am PDT / 1 pm ET) If you have any questions I might prepare for in advance, just reply to this email before the session. Then join me on the live show. Here's the link to watch on YouTube: Do you have a friend that might enjoy...

Happy Wednesday! Join me today for a live "minicourse" on how to edit a complete video podcast in Descript. I've been meaning to have this session for a long time and after receiving more requests, I'm finally doing it - live! Join me live today for a complete video podcast/interview editing session in Descript. We'll start from scratch with a recorded interview, and I'll walk you through my complete process for: Importing the files into Descript Transcribing the files Cleaning up the audio...