Descript Underlord Q&A and My Podcast!

Happy Wednesday!

Have you used Descript Underlord for a while? If you're still struggling with it, don't worry! There have been more updates since the launch. I'm here to help!

Come and ask your questions today on our Q&A session.

This week, Descript version 93 rolled out with some changes and bug fixes, but the biggest changes are the roll out of the new subscription plans. Some functionality has now been lost, particularly for people who collaborate with others who have free accounts.

I'll also show you some tips, tricks and workflows that I use with Descript to enhance my edits, generate content with AI and more.

If you have any questions I might prepare for in advance, just reply to this email before 6 PM UK time.

Then join me on the live show.

Here's the link to watch on YouTube:

video preview

Oh, I almost forgot!

I launched my podcast!

You know, in Romania, we have a saying: "The cobbler has no shoes."

I edit podcasts every day - for others. I work with my clients, I create videos, interviews, audio podcasts, everything - for others. But I never actually launched my own podcast.

Well, the wait is over because the Media Makers Club Podcast has launched last weekend, with an interview with my good friend, Chris Menard.

We talk about his YouTube growth, creating an educational channel, how he's stuck with it, challenges he encountered along the way and his approach to video creation.

It's a great, relaxed conversation and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Here's the link to the first episode on YouTube:

video preview

You can of course, listen on your favorite podcast platform or app. Here is the link to the podcast.

The podcast won't feature just interviews. I'll also have solo episodes, covering news in the video editing and podcasting industry, my opinions on the various software launches and updates.

I'd love to hear what you think of this format. If you'd like to be a guest, let me know! Just hit reply.

Why learn with me?

I've been coaching more than 100 students one-on-one so far in how to use Descript's new version and I can confidently and clearly walk you through all of these features so you can master editing in Descript.

If you would like to learn more Descript, Camtasia, have one-on-one coaching with me, access to private community, look no further. For a low monthly price, you can have access to all my courses, minicourses, downloadable resources and more! Join the Media Makers Club!

15 Overcroft Rise, Sheffield, S. Yorkshire S17 4AX
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Cristi Cotovan aka Graphicious

I'm a video editor, content creator, YouTuber, passionate about Camtasia, Descript and lots of other software that helps me create great videos for myself and my clients. Thank you for joining me.

Read more from Cristi Cotovan aka Graphicious

Happy Wednesday! Join me today for our usual live Q&A Come and ask your questions today on our Q&A session. As usual, I'd love to answer your questions, show you workflows, tips, tricks, on Descript and Camtasia, or just come for the hang out! :D Time: 6 PM UK time(10 am PDT / 1 pm ET) If you have any questions I might prepare for in advance, just reply to this email before the session. Then join me on the live show. Here's the link to watch on YouTube: Do you have a friend that might enjoy...

Happy Wednesday! Join me today for a live Q&A on Descript. Come and ask your questions today on our Q&A session. I know the days of summer are slow, people are on vacation, but hey, gotta have a Q&A session and if you need help, are stuck, have questions or confusions with Descript, join me live today! I'd be happy to answer them. There might be an announcement of a new feature or two from Descript. I don't know, they're being very cryptic but I think I know what they have up their sleeve. If...

Happy Wednesday! Join me today for a live "minicourse" on how to edit a complete video podcast in Descript. I've been meaning to have this session for a long time and after receiving more requests, I'm finally doing it - live! Join me live today for a complete video podcast/interview editing session in Descript. We'll start from scratch with a recorded interview, and I'll walk you through my complete process for: Importing the files into Descript Transcribing the files Cleaning up the audio...